This Sign Warns You That Two Lanes Are Merging

Singapore Traffic Signs Singapore Driver
Singapore Traffic Signs Singapore Driver from

Driving on the open road is one of the most liberating experiences one can have. However, it can also be dangerous if you don't know the rules of the road. One of the most common road signs that drivers come across is the one that warns them that two lanes are merging. This sign is a critical warning that drivers must heed, as it can prevent accidents and ensure that everyone on the road reaches their destination safely.

If you are unsure about what this road sign means, don't worry. In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about it, from what it looks like to what you should do when you see it. So, buckle up and get ready to learn about this essential sign!

What Does The Road Sign Look Like?

The road sign that warns drivers that two lanes are merging is a yellow diamond shape with two arrows pointing towards each other. The arrows are usually black, and one of them is slightly shorter than the other. The sign also has the word "Merge" written on it in black letters. This sign is placed before the point where two lanes merge, giving drivers enough time to adjust their speed and position on the road.

Why Is This Sign Important?

This sign is essential because it warns drivers that they need to merge into a single lane, which can be a challenging maneuver, especially if the traffic is heavy. Merging requires drivers to slow down and adjust their position on the road to avoid colliding with other vehicles. If drivers ignore this sign, they can cause accidents, which can result in injuries and even fatalities. Therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to this sign and follow its instructions.

What Should You Do When You See This Sign?

When you see this sign, you should start preparing to merge into the other lane. The first thing you need to do is to check your mirrors and blind spots to make sure that there are no other vehicles around you. Then, start reducing your speed gradually, and signal your intention to merge by using your turn signal. Make sure that you have enough space to merge safely, and do not cut off other vehicles. Remember that merging is a cooperative maneuver that requires all drivers to work together to ensure everyone's safety.

Tips For Merging Safely

Merging can be a daunting task, especially if you are a new driver or if the traffic is heavy. Here are some tips that can help you merge safely:

  • Check your mirrors and blind spots before merging
  • Signal your intention to merge at least 100 feet before the merge point
  • Reduce your speed gradually
  • Look for gaps in the traffic and merge into them
  • Avoid cutting off other drivers or forcing them to brake suddenly
  • Be patient and courteous to other drivers

What Are The Consequences Of Ignoring This Sign?

If you ignore this sign, you can cause accidents, which can result in injuries, fatalities, and property damage. Merging requires all drivers to cooperate and follow the rules of the road to ensure everyone's safety. If you fail to merge correctly, you can cause a chain reaction that can affect other drivers on the road. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to this sign and follow its instructions.


The road sign that warns drivers that two lanes are merging is a critical warning that drivers must heed. It is essential to understand what this sign means, how it looks like, and what you should do when you see it. Remember that merging is a cooperative maneuver that requires all drivers to work together to ensure everyone's safety. By following the tips discussed in this article, you can merge safely and avoid accidents on the road. So, always keep an eye out for this sign and drive safely!
