I Left All The Doors Unlocked And You: A Cautionary Tale

Doors Unlocked (Instrumental Version) YouTube
Doors Unlocked (Instrumental Version) YouTube from www.youtube.com

As I sit down to write this, I can’t help but wonder if I’m making a mistake. Will sharing my story make me a target for burglars? But I’ve decided it’s worth the risk. Because what happened to me could happen to anyone, and if my experience can help prevent even one person from going through what I did, then it’s worth it.

It was a typical Tuesday morning. I woke up, got dressed, and headed out the door for work. But as I walked down the street to my car, something felt off. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I had a nagging feeling that something wasn’t right. I shrugged it off and got in my car, but the feeling persisted. Finally, I realized what it was: I had left all the doors unlocked.

How It Happened

I’m usually pretty careful about locking up before I leave the house. But that morning, I was in a rush. I had overslept and was running late for work. I had just enough time to grab a quick breakfast and get out the door. I remember thinking to myself, “I’ll just lock up when I get home tonight.”

But as I drove to work, that nagging feeling wouldn’t go away. I started to worry about what could happen if someone took advantage of my mistake. I had valuable belongings in my house, and I didn’t want to come home to find them missing. But I told myself it was too late to turn back, and I would just have to hope for the best.

The Aftermath

When I got home that night, I was relieved to find that nothing had been stolen. But as I walked around my house, I realized something even more disturbing: someone had been inside. There were small signs – a dish out of place, a chair moved slightly – that made it clear that someone had been in my home. They hadn’t taken anything, but they had been there.

I was terrified. Who had been in my home? Why had they come in? What did they want? I called the police and they came to investigate, but there wasn’t much they could do. Without any evidence, there was no way to determine who had been in my home or what their intentions were.

The Lesson I Learned

That experience taught me a valuable lesson: always lock up. No matter how rushed or busy you are, take the time to double-check that all the doors and windows are secure before you leave the house. It only takes a few seconds, but it can save you a lot of heartache in the long run.

Don’t make the same mistake I did. Take the time to lock up before you leave the house. You never know who might be watching.


Leaving all the doors unlocked is a mistake that can happen to anyone. But it’s also a mistake that can have serious consequences. My experience taught me the importance of taking the time to lock up before leaving the house. Don’t let your rush or busy schedule cause you to make the same mistake. Take the time to secure your home, and you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that your belongings and your family are safe.
