Blower Motor Only Works On High: Causes And Solutions

Blower motor only works on high (4) S10 Forum
Blower motor only works on high (4) S10 Forum from

One of the most frustrating car problems that can occur is when the blower motor only works on high. This issue can leave you feeling uncomfortable during your travels, especially in extreme weather conditions. If you're experiencing this problem, don't worry, as there are several reasons why this may be happening and solutions to fix it. In this article, we'll explore the causes and solutions to this issue, so you can get back to enjoying a comfortable ride.

What is a Blower Motor?

Before we dive into the causes and solutions, let's first discuss what a blower motor is. A blower motor is responsible for blowing air through your car's vents. This component is typically located under the dashboard on the passenger side of the vehicle. It's connected to the heating and air conditioning system and varies the speed of the fan to adjust the amount of air flowing through the vents. In most cases, there are four or five different speed settings for the blower motor. However, if your blower motor only works on high, it means that only the highest speed setting is functioning correctly.

Causes of a Blower Motor Only Working on High

Now that we know what a blower motor is let's discuss the causes of it only working on high. There are several potential reasons why this may be happening, including:

Blower Resistor Failure

The most common cause of a blower motor only working on high is a failed blower resistor. The blower resistor is responsible for controlling the speed of the motor. If it fails, then the motor will only work on the highest speed setting. This is a common issue in older vehicles, especially those that have been driven frequently over the years.

Blower Motor Failure

Another possible cause of a blower motor only working on high is a failed blower motor. If the motor fails, then it won't be able to adjust the speed settings correctly. This can occur due to wear and tear or damage to the motor. It's also possible for debris to enter the motor and cause damage, leading to the motor failing.

Faulty Wiring

Faulty wiring can also cause a blower motor only to work on high. If there's an issue with the wiring, it can interfere with the signals that control the speed of the motor. This can cause the motor to only function on the highest setting or not function at all.

Solutions to a Blower Motor Only Working on High

Now that we've covered the potential causes let's discuss solutions to fix the issue. Here are some of the most common solutions to a blower motor only working on high:

Replace the Blower Resistor

If the blower resistor is the cause of the issue, then replacing it should fix the problem. This is a relatively simple and inexpensive fix that can be done at home with a few basic tools. You'll need to locate the resistor, unplug it from the wiring harness, remove the screws holding it in place, and replace it with a new one.

Replace the Blower Motor

If the blower motor is the cause of the problem, then replacing it is the best solution. This fix is more complicated than replacing the resistor and may require professional assistance. You'll need to locate the motor, disconnect it from the wiring harness, remove the screws holding it in place, and replace it with a new one.

Check for Faulty Wiring

If faulty wiring is the cause of the issue, then you'll need to locate the wiring that connects to the blower motor and inspect it for damage. If you find any damaged wiring, then you'll need to replace it. If you're not comfortable working with electrical components, it's best to seek professional assistance.


A blower motor only working on high can be a frustrating issue, but it's not uncommon. There are several potential causes, including a failed blower resistor, a failed blower motor, or faulty wiring. Fortunately, there are solutions to fix the problem, such as replacing the resistor or motor or inspecting the wiring for damage. If you're not comfortable making the repairs yourself, it's best to seek professional assistance. With the right solution, you'll be back to enjoying a comfortable ride with a functioning blower motor in no time.
