A Cuanto Esta El Dolar En Tijuana?

A cuánto está el dólar en Colombia hoy TRM de este 18 de febrero del 2022
A cuánto está el dólar en Colombia hoy TRM de este 18 de febrero del 2022 from www.pulzo.com

Are you planning to visit Tijuana and wondering what the current exchange rate for the US dollar is? Or are you a local resident who wants to keep up-to-date with the latest exchange rate? In this article, we will discuss the current exchange rate for the US dollar in Tijuana. We will also provide some tips on how to get the best exchange rate and where to exchange your money.

The Current Exchange Rate

As of September 2023, the exchange rate for the US dollar in Tijuana is approximately 22.7 Mexican pesos per dollar. This means that if you exchange $100, you will receive approximately 2,270 Mexican pesos. Keep in mind that the exchange rate can fluctuate daily, so it's important to check the latest exchange rate before exchanging your money.

Factors That Affect the Exchange Rate

Several factors can affect the exchange rate, including supply and demand, political and economic stability, and interest rates. In Mexico, the central bank sets the exchange rate based on market conditions and the country's economic performance. The exchange rate can also be influenced by international events, such as changes in the US economy or political instability in other countries.

Where to Exchange Your Money

There are several places where you can exchange your US dollars for Mexican pesos in Tijuana. Banks and exchange houses are the most common options, but you can also exchange your money at hotels, airports, and tourist attractions. Keep in mind that exchange rates can vary depending on the location, so it's important to shop around for the best rate.

Tips for Getting the Best Exchange Rate

If you want to get the best exchange rate, there are a few things you can do:

1. Avoid Exchange Rates at Airports and Hotels

Exchange rates at airports and hotels are typically lower than rates at banks and exchange houses. If possible, wait until you get to a bank or exchange house to exchange your money.

2. Shop Around for the Best Rate

As mentioned earlier, exchange rates can vary depending on the location. Don't be afraid to shop around for the best rate. Compare rates at multiple banks and exchange houses before making a decision.

3. Avoid High Fees

Sometimes, banks and exchange houses will charge high fees for exchanging money. Before exchanging your money, make sure you understand the fees involved and how they will affect the exchange rate.


Knowing the current exchange rate for the US dollar in Tijuana is important for both visitors and locals. By following the tips we've provided, you can get the best exchange rate and avoid unnecessary fees. Remember to check the latest exchange rate before exchanging your money and shop around for the best rate. Safe travels!
