What Does Service Tire Pressure System Mean?

What Does Service Tire Monitor System Mean?
What Does Service Tire Monitor System Mean? from tirehungry.com

As a car owner, you might have come across the warning sign "Service Tire Pressure System" on your dashboard. This warning sign can be confusing and alarming, leaving you wondering what it means and what you should do next. In this article, we will explain what this warning sign means, why it appears, and what you should do when you see it.

Keeping your tires properly inflated is essential for your safety and the performance of your vehicle. When your tire pressure is too low or too high, it can affect your car's handling, fuel consumption, and tire wear. Modern cars come equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) that alerts you when your tire pressure is outside the recommended range. The warning sign "Service Tire Pressure System" appears when there is an issue with your TPMS or your tire pressure is dangerously low.

Why Does the Warning Sign Appear?

There are several reasons why the warning sign "Service Tire Pressure System" might appear on your dashboard. The most common reasons include:

Low Tire Pressure

If your tire pressure is too low, it can trigger the warning sign to appear. Low tire pressure can be caused by a puncture, leak, or poor maintenance. It is essential to check your tire pressure regularly and inflate your tires to the recommended level.

TPMS Malfunction

If your TPMS is not working correctly, it can cause the warning sign to appear. The malfunction can be caused by a faulty sensor, wiring issue, or computer problem. It is essential to have your TPMS checked by a professional mechanic to diagnose and fix the issue.

Dead TPMS Battery

If your TPMS battery is dead, it can cause the warning sign to appear. The battery life of a TPMS sensor is typically five to ten years. It is essential to have your TPMS battery checked and replaced if necessary.

What Should You Do When You See the Warning Sign?

When you see the warning sign "Service Tire Pressure System" on your dashboard, you should take immediate action. Here are the steps you should follow:

Check Your Tire Pressure

First, you should check your tire pressure using a tire pressure gauge. Inflate your tires to the recommended level if they are low. If you notice that your tire pressure keeps dropping, you might have a leak or puncture that needs to be repaired.

Check Your TPMS

If your tire pressure is correct, you should check your TPMS to see if it's working correctly. You can do this by resetting your TPMS using your car's manual or taking it to a professional mechanic for a diagnostic check.

Get Your Car Serviced

If your tire pressure and TPMS are working correctly, but the warning sign still appears, you should take your car to a professional mechanic for a service check. They can diagnose and fix any issues with your TPMS or other car systems that might be causing the warning sign to appear.


The warning sign "Service Tire Pressure System" is an essential safety feature that alerts you when there is an issue with your tire pressure or TPMS. When you see this warning sign, it's crucial to take immediate action to ensure your safety and the performance of your vehicle. Check your tire pressure, TPMS, and take your car to a professional mechanic for a service check if necessary. By following these steps, you can keep your car in top condition and avoid any potential safety hazards.
